About Membership

Membership at BeFree Alton is open to anyone who 1) receives Jesus as their Lord and Savior, 2) has received God's free grace through faith in Jesus Christ, 3) is seeking to live out his commands to love God, love others, and make disciples, and 4) has been baptized out of obedience to Christ.

When we become members of a local church, we are making a commitment to partner with a local body of believers for the purpose of loving, serving, and encouraging one another, through holding one another accountable, worshiping God together, and engaging together in mission as we proclaim the Gospel to our communities, so that the glory of God might shine in and through us for the world to see. We encourage anyone who calls BeFree Alton their church home, who gathers regularly to worship with us on Sunday mornings, and who scatters with us into our community throughout the week to make a commitment to join with our church family as we pursue Christ together for the glory of God. We offer membership classes every March and October.